What is Free Residential Drug Rehab?
Free residential drug rehab offers substance abusers drug treatment on a live in basis for free. Assisted funding is available through various resources such as state, county and local governments, churches, religious groups, community or non-profit organizations. Addicts are often in dire straits after financial resources have been used up and these facilities are made available to those individuals who seriously desire to live a drug free lifestyle but, have found outpatient services insufficient to help them and are unable to afford the treatment elsewhere. Some addicts may be mandated by a court to enter a residential rehab as an alternative to prosecution. Proof of an addict’s inability to pay and other criteria are usually required for eligibility into a free residential drug rehab. Other determinants may be the addict’s ability to participate in the programs offered. Residential drug rehab includes counseling, therapy and support while living at the facility with 24 hour supervision. Duration usually last 6 months or more and enforced sobriety is strictly adhered to. It is understood that the longer an addict remains sober, the greater the chances for a successful recovery. These free residential drug rehabs provide an effective way to achieve that.
Programs offered at Free Residential Drug Rehab Centers
The programs offered at a free residential drug rehab typically, include all of the same basic programs available at a paid for residential drug rehab. However, because these rehabs are free and are usually supported by donations or grants from contributing sources, some program features and options may be reduced, unavailable or provided less frequently. Therapy programs are designed to heal and enhance the physical, psychological and mental well being of the individual but are often limited due to the cost, duration, and accessibility. Counseling sessions include individual, group and family counseling, with other counseling determined on an individual basis. Medical services generally include exams and medications with detox assistance. Other programs may be work or education oriented and some may be religious or spiritual.
Benefits of Free Residential Drug Rehab
Financial burdens and many external sources such as people, events, and stressful circumstances are removed from the addict so the recovery process is more successful. The greatest benefit is time to adjust to living free from addiction while the mind, body, and soul begin to heal. Life skills, values and habits will become more positive and by correcting the maladaptive thoughts of an addict, chances for permanent sobriety is greatly increased.