Inpatient Drug Rehabs

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Inpatient Drug Rehab: Is It Really the First Step to Sobriety?

The path to sobriety is different for everyone. While the effects of drug abuse have a tremendous influence on the type of treatment you’ll need, you’re individual circumstances should also help determine which type of treatment will work best.

While not everyone who enters the recovery process will need the types of services offered through inpatient drug rehab, those who do will have a much better chance of overcoming addiction’s effects in their lives once and for all.

If you’re considering inpatient drug rehab treatment, call our toll-free helpline at 877-716-0082 to ask about available treatment options.

Inpatient Drug Rehab – A Needs-Based Treatment Approach

For anyone wanting to get well, a good first step to sobriety entails ensuring the treatment program you choose can address your specific treatment needs, according to the Office of National Drug Control Policy. This is especially the case for people coming off severe forms of addiction or long-term addiction problems.

It’s the most severe forms of addiction that take greatest toll on the body and mind. Chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure are common among long-term drug users. Likewise, addiction’s aftereffects can wreak havoc on a person’s emotional well-being to the point where full-blown psychological disorders take root.

Inpatient drug rehab programs not only treat the addiction problem, but also the damage it leaves behind.

Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

Inpatient Drug Rehab

Being assessed by a medical professional ensures a safe and successful recovery.

The Detoxification Stage

For someone coming off a chronic addiction problem, the detox stage is often the biggest challenge he or she will face when trying to get well. Stopping drug use brings on severe withdrawal effects that are not only uncomfortable, but can actually be life-threatening, according to the University of Delaware.

At the outset, inpatient drug rehab treatment works to stabilize distressing withdrawal effects while providing much needed emotional support throughout.

Assessment & Treatment Planning

The assessment and treatment planning process plays an important role in identifying your specific needs and determining the types of treatment supports needed to help you overcome addiction’s effects in your life.

The assessment interview covers a range of questions concerning:

  • Types of drugs used
  • Length of time using
  • Psychological status
  • Health status
  • Family history of substance abuse

From there, your course of treatment will be based on the areas of need uncovered during the assessment interview.

Cost of Inpatient Rehab

Treating Chronic Conditions

Chronic medical and psychological problems will work against a person’s efforts in recovery when left untreated. For this reason, long-time addicts often end up going in and out of drug treatment programs, trying to maintain sobriety while struggling with underlying medical and/or psychological problems.

In this respect, one of the greatest benefits of inpatient drug rehab treatment is the comprehensive treatment approach these programs use.

Treating the Addiction

Treating the addiction problem entails helping you replace the destructive thinking and behavior patterns left behind by long-term drug abuse. Inpatient programs employ a range of treatment interventions to help you develop a healthy mindset while working towards creating a drug-free lifestyle.

Interventions commonly used include:

If you’re dealing with a chronic or long-term addiction problem, we can help you find a program that meets your treatment needs. Please don’t hesitate to call our helpline at 877-716-0082 to speak with one of our addiction specialists.